How to Read Your Food’s Nutrition Labels
Eating healthy and balancing the right nutrients can sometimes feel like a circus act. Manitoba Renal Program dietitians are here…
News, Nutrition Articles, Patient News, Staff NewsEating healthy and balancing the right nutrients can sometimes feel like a circus act. Manitoba Renal Program dietitians are here…
News, Nutrition Articles, Patient News, Staff NewsSigns of spring are finally visible as the Manitoba snow slowly starts to melt away. One great way to get…
News, Nutrition Articles, Patient News, Staff News, Staff ProfilesMRP Registered Dietitian/Clinical Dietitian Laura Creek Newman. Photo credit: Darin Kachanoski, The Wellness Institute. “Setting goals is an important step…
News, Nutrition Articles, Staff News, Staff ProfilesNot only does Star fruit contain a very high level of potassium it also may contain a neurotoxin that can build up in the blood of renal patients.
Nutrition ArticlesMarch is Nutrition Month! This year, dietitians want you to know that healthy eating is about so much more than food – how you eat is important too!
News, Nutrition Articles, Staff NewsThe best snacks are 200 calories or less, filling, and satisfying.
Nutrition ArticlesThere are so many “experts” and food fads out there (on TV, Internet), it’s hard to know what’s true and what’s false.
News, Nutrition ArticlesDiabetes is a disease where your body cannot properly store and use food for energy. The energy that your body needs is called glucose (sugar).
News, Nutrition Articles